Automated registration of International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI)

What is ISNI Used For?

What is ISNI Used For?

The International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI) is a unique identifier that is used to uniquely and definitively identify public identities of individuals and organizations, especially those involved in creative works and intellectual property. ISNI system is one of the most internationally trusted and respected names in IP protection. 


For authors to receive fair royalties for the use of their IP, it is important to establish a mechanism to identify them. This becomes particularly important when it comes to cross-border payments. ISNI helps to address the problem of ambiguity in the titles of creative and intellectual works. It facilitates the identification, management and recording of the contributions of individuals and organizations in various fields, including literature, music, film and scientific research.

ISNI benefits:

  • A common global system for performer names and aliases
  • Simplification of international transactions
  • Universal presence in digital databases worldwide
  • Easier management of IP rights


IPCA's mission is to arm you to make money from IP creation and management with minimal effort on your part. We are actively working to establish universal standards, technologies and tools for the global IP market. We make creativity and innovation accessible, and the life of their creators and IP managers - easy and smooth.


You can have all the weapons you need. Now join the IPCA and create!